The Hoosier Cabinet in Kitchen History
2nd Edition now Available!
Bloomington-based cabinetmaker Nancy R. Hiller draws on her years of specialty cabinet making and thorough knowledge of interior design to deliver an entertaining, beautiful, and informative history of the Hoosier cabinet-revealing its influence on the development of the contemporary American home.
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2nd Edition Now Available. A new forward by Mark Longacre.
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Shop Tails
In this singular collection of essays, Nancy Hiller relates the ways in which non-human animals – some companions, others wild or raised on farms – have provided warmth and comfort, prompted laughter and offered examples of courage or composure in the face of distressing events.
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…directly from Lost Art Press

Kitchen Think
For two decades, Hiller has made a living by turning limitations into creative, lively and livable kitchens for her clients. Her new book, “Kitchen Think,” is an invitation to learn from both her completed kitchen designs (plus kitchens from a few others) and from the way she works in her Bloomington, Ind., workshop.
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Making Things Work
Hiller’s funny and occasionally ribald story is about a cabinetmaker who was trained to work at the highest level possible and how she has dealt with the personal anxiety that occurs when the desire and drive for excellence collides with paying the monthly bills. As cautionary woodworking tales go, Nancy R. Hiller’s might just be the funniest – and the most sincere.
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…directly from Lost Art Press

English Arts & Crafts Furniture
English Arts & Crafts Furniture explores the Arts & Crafts movement with a unique focus on English designers. Through examination of details, techniques, and historical context, as well as projects, you’ll discover what sets these designers and their work apart from those that came before and after, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the Arts & Crafts movement and its influence. Three complete furniture builds provide a glimpse into the breadth of the movement’s ideals.
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A Home of Her Own
For some, home is simply a place to eat, sleep, and store possessions. For others, home offers intimate and rewarding opportunities for self-expression, becoming a reflection of taste, values, and even identity. The activities of constructing and maintaining a home can provide a sense of existential purpose, of belonging to a particular place along with others who have cared for that place before.
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Historic Preservation In Indiana: Essays From the Field
“This is a must-read for anyone seeking to save meaningful places. This collection of fine essays on historic preservation motivates, provokes, and inspires the reader to become engaged with their own built environment. The authors collectively profile the challenges and solutions of revitalizing neighborhoods and downtowns, as well as our agricultural and industrial surroundings.”
—Mark Dollase, Vice President of Preservation Services, Indiana Landmarks
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directly from IU Press